From this page, you can connect to various links that will help you to be successful as you work through the course.

May 14

EXAM PREP MATERIALS ==> here are links to two compiled Problem Sets of PAST UNIT TESTS and Assessments that you can use to prepare for the SEM 2 Exam (on May 30) ==> Resource #1 of compiled Qs from our 2017/8 IM2 course and then Resource #2 of compiled Qs from the 2015/6 IM2 course

April 24

Our second UNIT TEST of SEM 2 will happen on Tuesday, April 24. Please check the RESOURCES page for past tests and other study resources. I have posted last year's Quizzes as well as the 2016 and 2015 Unit Tests (which were given to you in class).

Mar 5

Our second MID UNIT QUIZ of SEM 2 will happen on Tuesday, Mar 5. Please check the RESOURCES page for past tests and other study resources. I have posted last year's Quiz A (both parts 1 and 2). Also, please remember your EXP FCNS Unit Test corrections are due soon .....

Feb 13

Our first UNIT TEST of SEM 2 will happen on Sunday, Feb 18. Please check the RESOURCES page for past tests and other study resources. Also, please remember your Quiz corrections are due by Thursday & would be a good way to review as well .....

Jan 20

First ASSESSMENT of SEM 2 will happen on Wednesday, Jan 31. We will have a QUIZ covering PS4.1 - 4.4. Topics to be assessed included exponent rules, analyzing exponential data sets and graphs of exponential functions.

Aug 16

LINK to the Lesson Reflection FORM to be completed at the end of each class period.

July 24

Welcome to the 2017/18 school year. Let's work together towards a successful math experience .... and, hey, let's learn some Math too!!!!!

July 24

Bookmark the following websites:

(1) DESMOS: an online graphing calculator to help visualize math ideas & concepts.

(2) dynamic geometry software Geogebra that we will use throughout the course for conceptual development of ideas

(3) Wolfram Alpha for help in doing all the algebra!!!

(4) Bookmark for access to my website